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Showing posts from 2013

Two pieces of advice from my grandma

I was born in Europe but raised in Australia and as my family didn't always have enough money to splurge on the European holiday, the visits back to my native nation tended to be on the sparse side of things. None the less, when i did go back i got to see all of my uncles, aunties, cousins and grandparents. Although each trip was unique and successful in many ways, it was my most recent trip that proved to be extremely memorable. I was 24 then and considered a true grown up amongst my relatives. With this new status came different conversations as i learnt from my latest exchanges with my grandparents. It seems the older you get, the higher the ratings become for your family conversations, which suddenly turn from PG stuff (how is the weather? What type of animals live in Australia? What is your favourite food?) right through to the R18+ subject matters (Who are you dating? What kind of illnesses has the family experienced, who passed uni and got a job/who didn't, who died?)...

Thinking healthy thoughts

"Try living one day without any unhealthy thoughts. It may be very difficult, but try another day, until it becomes habitual, and life will move in the direction of becoming healthy, vital and alive". - Anonymous Hmmm some food for thought perhaps?

The Russian way of creating inspiration

Since Russia will be hosting the Winter Olympics in 2014, the nation has come up with an inspiring campaign as a way of inducing the people with some passion for sport. It may not be the most common place notion but the campaign has attained some interest from onlookers as they watch fellow subway travellers squat for free train tickets. Perhaps the short lived exercise routine may trigger some sporting support after all, if not it has at least put a smile on many faces. Source:

Choosing love against all the odds

I watched an inspiring documentary on the weekend called "Love on the Transplant List". Without giving away too much detail (in case you decide to watch it), it follows the story of a young couple in England who are in love. The very distinguishing difference between their relationship is that 21-year-old Kirstie suffers from Cystic Fibrosis. The conditions of the disease and the hardships that are endured by the couple are unreal but they also make you realise and appreciate all the things that one would normally take for granted, like breathing. However, the thing that struck me as the most heartwarming is how this couple explained their love for each other. No question about it. They went in to the situation knowing the potential, life-threatening outcome but as the husband stated, he wanted to be with the one he truly loved, even if it was only for a short time, rather than be with the wrong person for a lifetime. That single thought should be reiterated to many people ...

Learning from Naomi Simson

Recently i went to a speech given by Naomi Simson: the founder and CEO of RedBalloon, the online gift retailer selling happiness by way of experiencing fun activities. As a successful entrepreneur, Naomi was there to share her wisdom and tell the room of enthusiastic startups and keen business people all the secrets to her success. From a speech that was entertaining but light in nature, i think it gave us an insight in to her own experiences and hardships, while trying to run a business and continue to be a mother and wife to her family. As it turns out, she wanted to join the bandwagon of the dotcom boom (back when it happened) and try to make some money out of it while still being able to be at home with the kids. "How is that working out for me?" she asked the audience and then answered the question herself simply laughing and saying "not well". It made her busier than ever actually but that is a decision that seems to have been worth the effort. She a...

Who says you can't?

"You must do the things you think you cannot do". - Eleanor Roosevelt  I think this is advice that everyone can benefit from because let's face it: who hasn't been scared to attempt something at one point in their life. If you answer no to that statement and claim you are not afraid of anything than clearly you are not being honest with us or perhaps even with yourself! To those that know exactly what their fear/challenge is I hope that you will find a way to break past it. I will attempt to do the same.  My fear of heights has kept me from experiencing certain things that I would otherwise enjoy so this is something I will continue to work on until I have a significantly reduced fear of all things found up high.

Experience everything

"When you lose, don't lose the lesson". - Anonymous To lead a full life with no regrets is probably my biggest wish; that and being happy in general. But life isn't always that kind and with the happy times will come occasional shades of grey and perhaps a few thunderstorms that mess things up for you really badly. Those periods where you lose and things don't work out exactly as you had hoped, no matter how much you tried or wanted them to work in your favour, are the times we would run from if we had a choice. Or at least i would - my brain works on a more flight not fight mechanism. This anonymous quote above reminds me (and i hope it will remind you too) that although we don't always win in life; there are always things to be learnt from living the experiences we do so that we can become stronger individuals in the future. The lessons we learn along the road of both good and bad life events are what makes us the person we are today. So think of tho...

A lesson from John Lennon

"My mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When i went to school, they asked me what i wanted to be when i grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me i didn't understand the assignment, and i told them they didn't understand life". - John Lennon That quote right there, is why John Lennon is just a little bit legendary in my eyes. The man made good music but he also had the sense to know what he wanted out of life and what was important: a lesson that some people miss entirely and others only realise much later down the track. So from John's mouth to your ears, i hope everyone wants to write down that they want to be happy when they grow up. Whether that means you are a five year old, a teen or a grandmother: just be happy!

How we should look at life

“You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses”. - Thomas F. Wilson This quote really sums up the perspective that everyone should have about life; focus on the good, not the bad things that are happening, and you will find happiness will come naturally soon after.

Juice with a side of life advice

A couple of months ago i went travelling and as expected when you're on holiday; i was in a particularly good mood so it struck me as odd to read this sticker (seen below), on the back of my gourmet juice. The title was enough to deter me (due to its negative inclination) but i kept reading out of curiosity and found that the message actually gives some sound advice.  It spills the truth about life and how we all have a limited, one time only offer, to be here but it also makes some positive suggestions as to how we should make the most of our time. Getting air, educating ourselves, watching the sunset and being more appreciative of everything are some obvious observations and while we can agree that these are true, i think many of us forget them sometimes because we are too busy focusing on all the other areas that consume us daily. As i continued to drink, I pondered about what i had read and I realised that the juice had done its job. It had me appreciating my life and it...

Top 10 movies to get you inspired

I love watching movies and more than that, i love watching movies that really leave an impression on me long after i have hit the 'off' button on the television. The movies that make me think, feel and weep are almost always inspiring in some way or another, so i thought i would share my top ten favourites for improving your mood. Whether it's a boost in life, love or your career that you crave, these films have all got something special to offer. Feel free to add any that you think deserve to bump one of my top choices out of the list; I am always up for suggestions! 1. Amelie 2. Good Will Hunting 3. The Shawshank Redemption 4. The Intouchables 5. Forrest Gump 6. Working Girl 7. Frances Ha 8. Gattaca 9. The Pursuit of Happyness 10. Slumdog Millionaire Happy viewing!

Great minds think alike...or do they?

In a discussion with a friend one night, we were tossing around ideas of what it means to be brilliant and innovative. At one point we said something (i can't remember what exactly, but let's just say it was a great thought), which was of a very similar perspective. It was at that moment that i said 'great minds think alike'. My friend rejected this notion straight away and made a clear argument as to why they hated the saying. It's because, in their opinion, no two minds that are great,  ever think alike. That's the whole point of innovation. You have to think unlike everyone else to arrive at something that will be considered amazing. That's the difference: the most distinguishable thing about your idea is the fact that no one has thought of it before. After all the inventions, philosophies and theories out there, it seems impossible to come up with something that is fresh, yet useful; however, if you come across such an idea, it could just be the...

How is your life looking?

The question below is one that i have asked myself, as i imagine everyone has at some point; is life good? Am I happy? What makes me happy? What am i doing with my life? The answer, as it turns out, can be simple: yes or no. Without thinking too much about it and getting caught up in all the variables that can affect our happiness, we should focus on these two potential paths. If life is good, then that's good. Keep doing what you're doing and don't ever look back, but if life is not good, one must change something. Do something different so that you can improve your life and keep changing things until your answer to the same question becomes a yes. Source:

How do you choose your friends?

Someone once told me that the people you surround yourself with - your friends, your family, your work colleagues - are a reflection of who you are. I often see people that share similar qualities, characteristics and values that seem to stay really close, so perhaps there is some truth to this thought. There must be an understanding or an attraction of sorts that exists between people, which keeps some close together and others significantly far apart. The biggest lesson i can take from this idea is that if those around you are a reflection of at least one part of you, than it's best to surround yourself with individuals that make you happy and can add adventure, love and excitement to your life. Those people who make you happiest are the ones to keep by your side, always and forever.

Aim as high as possible

"There is always room at the top". - Daniel Webster Don't think that your ambitions are too outrageous or that too many people have accomplished what you set out to do. It is never too late to give your dreams a try so get out there and join the race to the top and be great!

Keep yourself on track

"Wishing others would fail is the biggest thing stopping you from achieving your own success". - Flakers This thought really asks you to look at your own goals and focus all your energy on them. Anything else will only serve as a waste of your time. Time that could be spent on making your dreams come true. So stop looking at others. Stop comparing yourself and just be you. Be the best you can possibly be and amazing things will happen!

How to not be bored with your job

Are you bored with your job? If you answered yes then take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. Many people out there are stuck in rinse and repeat roles wondering how they got there but also asking themselves how they can get out. Many workers struggle to find something that is satisfying on all levels; some enjoy the salary but not the work, while others like the work but can not handle the people they are forced to collaborate with. It's a constant balancing act that is very hard to stabilise. Often, it shifts as quickly as the weeks change. Being bored at work is also one of those dreaded things because most of your time is spent at work, so if you are not enjoying it then effectively you spend the majority of your life waiting for the fun bits to start while you sludge through the weekdays only to await the next weekend or annual leave holiday. My advice for anyone not completely satisfied with their employment comes from my own previous experiences and the stories ...

No room for regrets

"Give every opportunity a chance and leave no room for regrets". - Anonymous Sometimes uncertainty can take hold of you when trying to make an important decision but one way i have found in making the final choice easier to handle is to acknowledge whether or not taking the opportunity leaves you at risk of regret in the future. If the answer is yes then you must take the chance today and deal with the consequences later. If the result of your risk is good or bad, either way, you will never have to live knowing that perhaps you could have let something amazing pass you by. You just have to take that leap of faith and jump in the deep end; sometimes it's the only way you can really learn how to swim.

How to get motivated to work

So we all have 24 hours in each day to use for something. Some of us use that time to the fullest and others need a little more help in working out just how to best organise themselves in order to get the most out of their day. One thing i learnt by reading some books about successful and rich people is that they are usually very busy. More often than not, they start everyday already having made plans that will require them to do a set number of tasks, which all relate to achieving their bigger goals in some way. Many may call this a workaholic mentality but others who look at the way business works today know all too well that in order to really achieve big things, you need to dedicate a lot of time, effort and energy into making it happen. This means that you will make sacrifices (some harder than others), but that is the price you pay for getting what you want later down the line. Whatever it may be, whether it's buying and running your own business or creating a product such as...

Be happy. Be grateful.

Is fear our biggest motivator?

Recently i have experienced an extreme urge and inspiration at work and as good as it is to feel so motivated i had to stop and wonder where it all came from. I mean, it was a sudden concentration fully focussed on logically thinking about my career and considering the next steps on my path to success, all in the hope of attaining that much desired 'pot of gold' at the end of my rainbow. It was during this time that i had a profound realisation, i am driven by two things: passion and more recently as i discovered, i am driven by fear. Fear of failure is how i get things done urgently. It is the fear of the consequences, not the achievement itself, that pushes me to do tasks fast and do them well. For example, my passion is to write and edit so i am in the perfect job, which is why i love what i do. On the other end of this spectrum is the fear of what would happen if i lost my job. Logistically i would not get money, which ultimately cuts off my lifestyle and the ability to...

A gift of affirmations

A while ago, for one of my birthdays, my best friend decided to get me something that would inspire me for years to come. It was a little box with the contents comprising many cards, each with an affirmation or what i found as the most inspirational and motivational quotes. I find that if i leave it beside my bed or up on a shelf in my bedroom (instead of hiding it inside a cupboard or desk) then i tend to look at it more often and feel better each time i read a quote. I thought i might share one with you today. "If you are satisfied with YOURSELF and your thoughts, there is nothing you cannot do or be. Your thoughts are very POWERFUL".

Spread your wings and fly

“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for”  Quote by John A. She'd This quote sums up the very essence that explains why everyone should travel. We are all ships which are meant to move, discover and learn. We may be scared to do it sometimes. There is often fear of the great unknown, but it's proven that every time we do, it makes us stronger and more rounded as a human being.

Your instruction manual to a happy life

I think getting inspiration from other people's stories and personal life experiences can teach you a tremendous amount about a lot of different issues. It is after all, how we learn to do things. Most often we get these skills from our parents or those closest to us when we are growing up. One parent took his role more seriously and decided to give his son the biggest gift of all: a book that contained his life advice, which no doubt came into fruition from his own life lessons. He called the collection of notes, mind and heart reflections and what resulted as a father's suggestion to his son on living a happy and rewarding life as he left home to start college, turned into a clever book that has captured the minds and hearts of many other readers. Myself included.  If you ever get a chance, i highly recommend it.   I enjoyed it so much that i had to share it in the hope that you may absorb it completely and put it into practice...maybe even helping you to...

Seeing a new world

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” Quote by Henry Miller This quote really speaks to me. Simply because i am not so well travelled and when i speak to those that are, it always places me on the back foot. This feeling of intimidation, stems from the belief that they know more than me, because they have 'seen' more of the world. Just before these thoughts completely overwhelm me i realise that perhaps seeing all of the world isn't as important as understanding and having an awareness of what is actually going on around you. That knowledge can come from firsthand  experience or the plethora of sources that surround us such as most obviously the internet, books, videos, documentaries and photos. The most important thing to remember is the very message behind Miller's quote, which is your state of mind. If your mind is open to new things you can really learn a lot about life and perhaps even get more joy out of it than others might. ...