So we all have 24 hours in each day to use for something. Some of us use that time to the fullest and others need a little more help in working out just how to best organise themselves in order to get the most out of their day. One thing i learnt by reading some books about successful and rich people is that they are usually very busy. More often than not, they start everyday already having made plans that will require them to do a set number of tasks, which all relate to achieving their bigger goals in some way. Many may call this a workaholic mentality but others who look at the way business works today know all too well that in order to really achieve big things, you need to dedicate a lot of time, effort and energy into making it happen. This means that you will make sacrifices (some harder than others), but that is the price you pay for getting what you want later down the line. Whatever it may be, whether it's buying and running your own business or creating a product such as an app, website etc. it all needs to be thought out, prepared, researched and tested before it is put into practice. There will be mistakes along the way, as with any company, and sometimes failures that almost spell the end of the dream but one thing is for sure: if your hard work realises into reality then it has been a valid effort which has paid off.
One book i read that truly paints an example of being busy and working hard to achieve one's dream is Richard Branson's autobiography, 'Losing my Virginity'.
There are many lessons that can be taken from it and a lot of them will comfort you as they showcase a person who is very down-to-earth (excuse the cliche) and very relatable. He is not ashamed of his past and how he started out. The beauty of it all is that the book demonstrates just how hard it can be to chase your dream and start something that you are passionate about. Branson had many wins but he also made many mistakes and near misses that were potentially financially ruining but could have also cost him the ultimate price: his own life.
Therefore, if you don't get scared away by everything you think you already know about Branson, then i would highly recommend this read to learn just what it takes to make your business idea a reality.
You may find it has a lot more to do with luck, risks, determination and an attitude that does not know the words 'give up', rather than a handful of papers from any university.
After all, i think the biggest educator is life itself. The things that it teaches you simply can't be explained or taught in any faculty around the world.
Happy reading and i hope this inspires you like it did me!
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