I watched an inspiring documentary on the weekend called "Love on the Transplant List". Without giving away too much detail (in case you decide to watch it), it follows the story of a young couple in England who are in love. The very distinguishing difference between their relationship is that 21-year-old Kirstie suffers from Cystic Fibrosis. The conditions of the disease and the hardships that are endured by the couple are unreal but they also make you realise and appreciate all the things that one would normally take for granted, like breathing. However, the thing that struck me as the most heartwarming is how this couple explained their love for each other. No question about it. They went in to the situation knowing the potential, life-threatening outcome but as the husband stated, he wanted to be with the one he truly loved, even if it was only for a short time, rather than be with the wrong person for a lifetime.
That single thought should be reiterated to many people in relationships today. It was a profound moment for me. A display of true love.
That single thought should be reiterated to many people in relationships today. It was a profound moment for me. A display of true love.
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