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Showing posts from January, 2013

Stand out from the crowd

Forrest Gump came on television tonight and it made me think about how important it is to be yourself no matter what cards you are dealt in life. Even though the story is fictional this movie always manages to inspire me as it is warm spirited yet portrays the hardships of life, with a touch of added humour. It is the ultimate flick that leaves you feeling good at the end. “Dare to be different as it makes you original and most importantly, real.” Quote by Flakers

How to make decisions

Indecisive? Don't worry you are not the only one. Many of us fall victim to the lack of certainty when concerning various aspects of our lives. Whether it is to pick a life partner, choose a career path or order lunch, it sometimes feels like an overwhelming abundance of choice that results in our inability to pick just one of the options. Below are my tips for getting you through the confusion: 1)    Weigh up how you would feel about this decision if you were a parent or an older version of yourself. 2)    Would you be proud to admit that you did it? If the answer is yes, then go ahead with your plan. 3)    What do the hoards say and what do your closest friends say? Try to blur out the masses and listen to those that know you best. They will steer you in the right direction.

A test for true love

Don’t fall in love with someone who says the right things, fall in love with someone who does the right things. Robert Tew This rule applies to every relationship you have in life, not necessarily just your significant other. It really does work. A person's true feelings are often more than what they express verbally, it's just hard sometimes to try and look for those other signs because the words come so easily and are much louder and more obvious to digest. But look closely and pay attention to how a person treats you to learn how they really feel about you. I hate to admit it but the cliche of actions speak louder than words is totally accurate here. I hope you all find someone out there that shows you just the way they feel. 

Be a doer not a talker

My mum always says to me that success, in whatever you pursue, comes to those that are active. By that she means the people that have ideas and act on them are better off in life then those who choose to idly sit by and simply talk about them. I suppose to some extent i come off as having the latter character trait as i enjoy a chat but i never figured it to be a hindrance to my life plans. Perhaps i will aim to be a 'doer' not a 'talker' during this year and see where it takes me.

Why you shouldn't trust Facebook

Continuing on with the documentary theme, i was told to watch this movie recently and it opened my mind about the scary reality of Facebook and what it entails for new age romance.  This film tells the story of Nev: a guy who thinks he finds love after he meets a girl through Facebook and discovers her entire family on there too. They seem so perfect. A nice 'Facebook family', as he calls them. All the events in this film are true and without spoiling the ending for you they are quite extraordinary. At the end you are left feeling a variety of emotions towards many of the people in this movie but the best lesson you can take away from it is to stay away from strangers and don't believe everything you hear or see on Facebook. That's always rule number one. Guess there was a good reason they invented the privacy policy. Courtesy of Youtube

We are made up of memories

As i met with friends for some after work drinks tonight we got chatting about various topics and one which spurred an interesting memory for me. The conversation revolved around documentaries (as i had just seen a couple of good ones) and then it brought me straight back to the most moving and emotional documentary i have seen to date called 'Unknown White Male'. The story is worth viewing as it captures the experience of a man named Doug Bruce who suffered a rare type of amnesia which effectively wiped out his entire memory right from birth up until the moment he came to find himself on a subway heading to Coney Island. This case is extraordinary, which is why it captured my attention all those years ago while channel surfing and finally landing on a program worth sticking to for more than five minutes. After sitting amazed as if in a hypnotic state i found myself hooked. My reaction was quite emotional at the time and i remember shaking from observing what was ultimate...