Are you bored with your job? If you answered yes then take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. Many people out there are stuck in rinse and repeat roles wondering how they got there but also asking themselves how they can get out. Many workers struggle to find something that is satisfying on all levels; some enjoy the salary but not the work, while others like the work but can not handle the people they are forced to collaborate with. It's a constant balancing act that is very hard to stabilise. Often, it shifts as quickly as the weeks change. Being bored at work is also one of those dreaded things because most of your time is spent at work, so if you are not enjoying it then effectively you spend the majority of your life waiting for the fun bits to start while you sludge through the weekdays only to await the next weekend or annual leave holiday. My advice for anyone not completely satisfied with their employment comes from my own previous experiences and the stories ...