Recently i have experienced an extreme urge and inspiration at work and as good as it is to feel so motivated i had to stop and wonder where it all came from. I mean, it was a sudden concentration fully focussed on logically thinking about my career and considering the next steps on my path to success, all in the hope of attaining that much desired 'pot of gold' at the end of my rainbow. It was during this time that i had a profound realisation, i am driven by two things: passion and more recently as i discovered, i am driven by fear. Fear of failure is how i get things done urgently. It is the fear of the consequences, not the achievement itself, that pushes me to do tasks fast and do them well. For example, my passion is to write and edit so i am in the perfect job, which is why i love what i do. On the other end of this spectrum is the fear of what would happen if i lost my job. Logistically i would not get money, which ultimately cuts off my lifestyle and the ability to...