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Showing posts from February, 2013

Happiness for the taking...

                                                   Simple but effective advice, that if i am to follow will mean i am going to be doing more: Travelling Reading Writing Eating at new restaurants Watching of very good films with good reviews/awards/recommendations Exercising Running and challenging myself physically.

Einstein logic

Monkeying around

When life gets busy with work, family and friends sometimes it takes something different to steal your attention and bring a smile to your face. With my more than hectic schedule lately my attention was certainly taken by a photo of a macaque monkey in Indonesia taking a self-portrait and from the looks of things quite enjoying it! (photo can be found by following the link below). This type of moment is captured for a lifetime and I suppose it made news because animals in the wild shouldn't really understand the concept of posing for a camera, after all they don't really know what the camera does, but that didn't seem to stop this guy striking a pose and showing us a beautiful smile. Life really is funny, unexpected and extraordinary if this monkey shot is anything to go by. Personally it makes me smile every time I look at it.